Mythical Creature Series - Jackalope

Needle felted mythical creatures

Many of mythical creatures are some kind of hybrids of familiar animals - rabbits with horns, fox with nine tails, deer with wings, etc. There are probably some truth in these myth, like jackalopes are just normal rabbits infected by a rare virus and grown tumors on their heads, while some of them are just myth. I always found these myth fascinating. They belong in both a fantastical world and in reality, and yet they belong in neither. I like to think that these creations are human's way of making sense of the unknowable world, pushing the boundary between what's real and what's not, known and unknow, safe and dangerous.

Jackalope. A mythical creature in North America. It's described to be a jackrabbit with antelope horns. Though it appears in myth from many cultures, it was made popular by some hunter dude in the 1930s to sell taxidermies.



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